Thursday, March 8, 2012

Four Ways to Speedier and Better Google Searches

Our Tips Editor Vic says "There are a lot of pages on the Internet, billions
and billions of them. When you go to search for a topic, you often get
millions of hits listed. It is very easy for a worthwhile site to get buried
so far down in a search that you will never see it. So when you want to do a
search, it pays to do whatever you can to narrow down the hits that will be
displayed. That's where search operators come in. By adding certain terms
to a search, you can filter out a lot of irrelevant stuff and have a better
chance of finding what you are looking for. There are a number of Google
operators and previous tips (see the list at the end) have discussed some of
them. Here are four more that I use to help keep my searches manageable."